Here is the final installment of the 12 Basic Steps for Anti-Aging Your Brain. I hope this series has been of help to you.
Smoking. It can be a touchy subject. Especially since it involves dealing with nicotine and addiction to it. I'm not trying to dissuade anyone from smoking - that's not my primary goal here. I simply want to provide information on smoking and its health impact, for you and those around you, so you can make informed decisions. The choice to quit or to keep smoking is yours. I do recommend that if you don't smoke, don't start, and do your best to avoid second-hand smoke.
That being said, smoking does affect all of us in a variety of ways. Our society's view of smoking has changed over the years, and many states have enacted laws to restrict smoking in public places. Besides the physical impact of smoking, there is also the economic impact of purchasing cigarettes (or whatever else they choose to smoke). Smokers have health consequences to consider for themselves (and for people exposed to their smoke second-hand).
On average, a non-smoker lives ten years longer than a smoker. That is significant. Which is why I consider these statistics to be equally significant:
- 1 in 5 deaths is from smoking-related illness and disease.
- 480,000 deaths per year are related to smoking.
- 1 in 10 of those deaths is from exposure to second-hand smoke.
The good news is this: If you do stop smoking or stop exposure to second-hand smoke, within a year, your body can recover a large percentage (80-90%) of your overall health and lung vitality.
Of course, if you are trying to quit, or if you are around a lot of second-hand smoke, there are things you can do to minimize your exposure or aid in healing your body:
- Adaptogenic herbs help with the lack of nicotine
- Taurine assists the lungs in healing
- Polyphenols help prevent the progression of some diseases
- Pulse dose (2x/day, 5 days/week) antioxidants
Enjoy the video, and as always, please feel free to pass this along!
Disclaimer: Information provided in this article is for informational
purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice and
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