Recently, I have had several people ask questions about CBD oil, so I decided it would be good to share some educational material on the subject with you. Please read through the information and watch the video below :)
What is CBD?
CBD stands for cannabidiol. It is cannabis without the "getting high" psychoactive effect.
Cannabis Sativa is the same name for marijuana or hemp.
- Hemp by legal definition is less than 0.3% THC. CBD is derived from Hemp.
- THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) – is what makes you “high” by impairing motor function and cognition.
- THC content is what dictates the legality of Cannabis.
As can be seen by searching PubMed, the medicinal and therapeutic effects of CBD are becoming more widely studied. Research clearly suggests a possible therapeutic medical effect for a number of conditions, as it is anti-inflammatory and modulates the immune system.
Main ways CBD can help:
- Anti-Inflammatory
- Pain
- Immunomodulatory
- Sleep
- Seizures
- Digestive issues, including:
- Inflammatory bowel disease IBD – preliminary data is promising
- Irritable bowel syndrome IBS – speculatively, may be more helpful for those with IBS – D (diarrhea)
- Neurological issues
- Anti-Anxiety
- MS
- Dementia / Alzheimer’s
- Parkinson’s
- Nerve pain
Cannabinoids and Autoimmune Disease
- Abstract of Cannabinoids and autoimmune diseases: A systematic review can be found here.
Benefits of THC
- Per research, THC may be favorable over CBD for those with oncological involvement.
Contraindications to THC
- THC – Do NOT take THC if you are prone to or have dizziness, anxiety, fragile psyche, or cardiovascular disease.
What to look for with a CBD product:
- Where is it from?
- How organically was it raised?
- How clean was the processing?
- Look for 3rd party certification of analysis, testing for toxins and pesticides.

Quality assurance is important
At the right is a photo of what we currently use in our office. Note: You get a BIG discount if purchased in our office.
Side Effects of CBD
- When taken orally, CBD can alter other drugs you may be taking, so it is worth asking your doctor.
- Paranoia can increase. This is mostly a THC issue (MUCH less so with CBD).
- Side effects can also depend on your genetics, as with just about every other supplement, herb and drug.
- Too much of ANYTHING is bad (even Oxygen or Water). The same holds true with CBD, so common sense is great to employ as well.
CBD Dosing
- "Start low, go slow."
- 5-10 mg of CBD, dosed once to twice per day.
- Re-evaluate after a week on a particular dose moving up by 5-10 mg each week to see if you need to increase.
- Most people will end up on just 5-25 mg daily (but please ask your healthcare professional, especially if going for a higher dose).
IMPORTANT NOTE ON THIS SUBJECT: While I am a physician, please consider this as just educational information and NOT medical advice. Ask your healthcare provider (or Dr. Kuo or me if we are your healthcare provider) for specifics.
Enjoy the video, and as always, feel free to pass this along!
Medical Disclaimer: Information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. The information is a result of years of practice and experience by Yoshi Rahm, DO. However, this information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or another healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging.
Do not use the information provided in this article for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or another healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read in this email.
Information provided in this article and the use of any products or services related to this article by you DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Yoshi Rahm, DO. or any other physician featured in this article. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
I would without reservation recommend working with "Rick Simpson Oil", My honest Gratitude goes to Dr. Rick Simpson for saving my dying life with his high quality RSO Hemp Oil, with the potency of the THC content in it very high. Some years back I was diagnosed with a deadly disease cancer of the lungs, we tried all kinds of medication all to no avail and also we even tried producing the DIY Rick Simpson oil at home ourselves but we were doing more harm than worse, Until I saw a post on facebook on how Cannabis Oil had cured a cancer patient then i decided to give it a try behold when i contacted Dr. Rick Simpson & i explained every detail of my problem to him and he told me that this Cannabis Oil will heal my cancer problem only if I can order for it as soon as possible. He then calculated the dosage for me to buy i think the dosage he calculated was 60grams of the oil which I ordered plus "30grams maintenance free" I was told that if I order for the Cannabis Oil right away by the next 48 hours the medication will get to my door step through the delivery services, Immediately I ordered for it behold it was delivered with the usage instruction manual at the exact time which i was told by Dr. Rick Simpson, Today i can boldly say I'm now free from my Cancer problem all Thanks to God Almighty, Dr. Rick Simpson and my lovely wife who stood by me during those years. I'm now living a healthy life and my utmost priority of sharing this short testimony is for those who are suffering from this Deadly Cancer Disease, Please don’t die in silence there is a cure for this Deadly Cancer Disease today. Without wasting more time kindly Contact Dr. Rick Simpson for ( "Rick Simpson Oil" RSO ) via Email: or WhatsApp +1-781-656-7138.
ReplyDeleteToday I acknowledge the greatness of Rick Simpson Cannabis Oil and to those that wish to purchase the medication kindly contact Dr. Rick Simpson via Email: or WhatsApp +1-781-656-7138.
Cannabis Oil is the medication for Cancerous Disease. Save your life and that of others.